What’s the difference between a successful business and one that fails to get off the ground within the year?

It all comes down to marketing. You can offer some of the best products on the market, even boast some impressive customer service, but without a strong marketing campaign that works steadily throughout the week you’ll be left up a creek with no paddle. How can you garner customers, much less repeat customers, if people can’t even find you in the first place? An ad agency is the one element standing in-between you and success in 2018 and beyond, able to provide you a heady mix of digital marketing tactics and old-fashioned wisdom.

Here are five business strategies you can expect to gain from ad agencies today.

Did You Know?

Advertising is fast becoming the make it or break it element of most businesses today. How so? A 2017 forecast estimates over $550 billion to be spent on advertising throughout 2018. This includes digital marketing tactics like SEO and animated banners as well as traditional methods such as newspaper signage and billboards. Today over 90% of B2B organizations are using video in their marketing campaigns in order to keep up with an increasingly fast-paced world. If you want to keep pace yourself the first thing you need to do is reach out to professionals who know marketing inside and out.

Improve Customer Retention Of Your Brand

Customers are bombarded with hundreds, even thousands, of brands every single week. It’s up to you to stand out from the pack with a competent and consistent marketing campaign. Studies have shown it takes anywhere from five to seven impressions for a brand to remain in a customer’s memory, which doesn’t even scratch the surface of cultivating the coveted repeat buyer. Back in 1984 the average person saw around 2,000 advertisements every day. By the time 2014 came around? That number was closer to 5,000.

Increase Traffic To Your Website

Your website is like a handshake. It sets the tone for the rest of the meeting and remains a solid first impression for customers of all shapes and sizes…provided they can find it in the first place. Global ad spending is increasing at a rate of 4% every year, with American display ad spending, in particular, growing at 20% in 2018. Some of today’s most effective ways of attracting new faces to your brand are SEO (short for search engine optimization) as well as more aggressive social media campaigns.

Cultivate More Repeat Customers

Repeat customers are the lifeblood of a business. Not only do they help spread word-of-mouth through positive customer service experiences, they also save you money by lessening your need to constantly reach out to new audiences. A recent study found nearly 50% of customers stating they expect brands to help them discover products and services that properly fit their needs.

Reach Out To Advertising Agencies

It’s not enough to just update your social media account once per day. You need to be motivated to pushing your brand out there and getting it seen no matter what. That means a marketing campaign that’s as flexible as it is modern. A marketing agency can provide you not just the tools necessary to create memorable advertisements, but offer you further insight into how it works and to whom. Today over 70% of B2B marketing leaders report branding is critical for the growth of a business, small or large.

When you’re tired of being overlooked, there’s a marketing agency ready to help.